Monday, April 5, 2010

Monday Want

(Oh my god.)

(I can't get enough of his gaudy, vintage style.)
I RECEIVED The book "More is More" by Tony Duquette as one of my birthday gifts. I love his style in interiors, jewelry, etc. It is over the top, glamorous, and filled with color and pieces/flair from around the world. If I can't find inspiration anywhere else, I KNOW it'll come from this huge hardback. Book available at Anthropologie and Border's!

I NEED TO DECORATE the kitchen and bathroom in my apartment, and it's so hard to narrow down all of my ideas. I guess it's good to have too many...but not when you're passionate about all of them! ;) Anyway, I'm looking for some great vases, flower stands/pots, and found objects to put on the wall. (LOVING the raw wood above!) I need to hit some flea markets this weekend. I think I might actually have some time. (Image above from Apartment Therapy.)

-The Ram

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